Tuesday, August 31, 2004
As some of you may, or may not know, Jamie Waylett (Crabbe) has an online site of his own. Just recently he wrote in on some of his experience in the filming that took place in Oxford in his Diary.
Filming in Oxford
Just returned from filming on location in Oxford.As usual it rained, it seems that it always rains when we are on location.I spent nearly the whole week filming Just one scene, with Maggie Smith, Brendan Gleeson, Tom, Josh and Dan, it was great fun, I really enjoyed it.Brendan Gleeson was great, he is very friendly, funny man who plays the part of Mad-Eye Moody.As you will know, I'm not allowed to say too much about the filming, but I think that scene could turn out to be one of the funniest scene in all of the movies!
**Guess that would be why all those rain ponchos we kept seeing on the students. And at least we all now know the 'ferret scene' is still scheduled to be in the movie! :D
This time, amongst Scotmans' top 100 most powerful women. Scotman had this to say about their chart, and the women on it:
"the names on our list represent the 50 women who are doing most to shape Scotland’s future. Whether Scots by birth or adoption, they share a burning desire to succeed, a willingness to use their talents for the greater good and a commitment to putting Scotland on the map."
There are fifty women total, but who's at the top? :D
In terms of international prestige, national influence and an ability to change daily lives, Joanne Rowling is in a league of her own. No other woman in Scotland commands the same level of power, nor uses it so wisely. And that is before we even consider her sheer economic power. Her fortune is estimated at a whopping £435 million and she is effectively a one-woman industry. Her creation, Harry Potter, is internationally renowned and she was recently named as one of the 100 most powerful women in the world by Forbes magazine. She is credited with propelling children’s literature into a new dimension and encouraging a generation of boys (and girls) to read. But Rowling also has the ability to make governments sit up and take notice. In July, she wrote to the Czechoslovakian Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla complaining about the use of caged beds in Czech psychiatric wards. The day after Rowling’s letter was received, the Czech health minister ordered an end to the practice. She uses her power judiciously but her backing for Edinburgh’s bid to become the first UNESCO city of literature has given a significant boost to that campaign. She is also active in a number of charities, throwing her weight behind the campaign for better facilities and treatments for sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis, the disease from which her mother died.
Many congradulations to J.K. Rowling for being all that got her here!
Hard to believe that after only a few short months after starting the filming or Goblet, WB and company are looking for a director for Phoenix? Well, it's true. Your Movies News, had this small piece on it:
Mira Nair, the director of "Monsoon Wedding" and the upcoming period drama "Vanity Fair", has been offered the chance to helm "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix".
"I'm getting offers to direct [it]," she told The Times of India.
"I read it over the weekend. I'm still deciding."
Nair would join Chris Columbus, Alfonso Cuaron and Mike Newell as the first female director to adapt one of J. K. Rowling's novels about the adventures of a boy wizard at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
"I'm not letting all this go to my head," she said.
"I'm grounded. I practice detachment, it helps me keep my balance. I'm a Dilliwalli, only an asana gets me on my head! My son Zoharan's excited. I've seen all the 'Harry Potter' movies with him."
"Phoenix" is scheduled for release in June, 2007.
And thanks to the viewers of HP4U for being patient in us not putting this up when it was still nothing but a rumor. ;)
Saturday, August 28, 2004
There's a nice piece written on our favorite author, J. K. Rowling, in Investors.com.
A small piece of it reads:
That focus has made Rowling one of the most famous literary names of all time. Her Harry Potter series has become one of the best-selling series in literary history. Her pursuit of perfection has created a book series that's reached near cult status among readers of all ages.
"Her first draft may be like another writer's fifth draft," said Arthur A. Levine, vice president and editorial director of Arthur A. Levine Books, which publishes the Harry Potter series for Scholastic. "She puts so much hard work into it before it ever gets turned in."
For the full story, be sure to check out Investors.com
Friday, August 27, 2004
Hey all! Just a little note, that from now on, the Goblet of Fire set reports will be shown and archived in our 'HP4U Set Reports'.
You can find this under the same area you found 'NEWS!!'.
Thanks for stopping by HP4U. ;)
We will be posting up a news flash here however, for every time we get a new one. Just so you'll know to check it out. ;)
By the way, we've also a new Report added on the page as of 9/27/04
#1 On The New York Times Best-Seller List;
#1 On Amazon.com;
#1 At Barnes & Noble, Walmart; and
#1 On Booksense Best-Seller List
Scholastic released thepaperback edition of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on August 10,2004 and the book landed at #1 on best-seller lists in the media, at bothnational bookstore chains and independent bookstores, as well as on-line andmass market retailers. The book debuted at #1 on the August 19th USA Today'sbest-seller list as well and The New York Times best-seller list for the weekof August 29. Additionally, the book is #1 on Amazon.com, Walmart, Barnes &Noble, and the Book Sense children's best-seller lists. Scholastic launched the paperback with a first printing of 2 millioncopies. The book is supported by a marketing campaign that includes: nationalon-line, print and broadcast advertising; billboard promotion; aerialadvertising and retail promotions. The publication of Harry Potter and theOrder of the Phoenix in paperback brings the total number of Harry Potterbooks in print in the U.S. to just under 100 million copies. In the United States alone, the hardcover edition of Harry Potter and theOrder of the Phoenix sold 5 million copies in the first 24 hours, making itthe fastest selling book in publishing history. The book hit stores atmidnight on June 21, 2003. With an unprecedented initial print run of 6.8million and a second printing of 1.7 million pre-publication, Harry Potter andthe Order of the Phoenix broke all industry records previously set in July2000 by Rowling's fourth novel, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. There are currently 12.5 million copies of the fifth Harry Potter book in print.
This report brought to you by PR NewsWire.
This from Wizard News. It's an Exclusive, so I will only be putting up a small piece here.
I have just travelled up on the Caledonian Sleeper from London to Fort William, Scotland and onward into Hogwarts Country. As we sat breakfasting in the restaurant car enjoying the kind of countryside many of you will have seen in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, I got talking to a member of the staff (who wishes to remain anonymous).
For the full story, go to Wizard News
Thursday, August 26, 2004
CBBC Newsround caught wind of some filming of The Goblet of Fire, and got a scoop on some of what's happening, also some pictures to go along with it! Here's what they had to say:
I went into a bookshop to ask for directions and a friendly film crew member revealed that filming was going on in two locations.
Bright green Warner Bros signs pointed to where they were filming.It wasn't hard to find because there were massive green signs showing you where to go! Just then, a minibus pulled up and a whole load of crew got out, so I followed them to see where they were going.
They went into New College which looked like it would be used for filming Hogwarts scenes.
A man carrying a long, dark coat - the costume for Mad Eye Moody - went in, followed by a car with Dame Maggie Smith who plays Professor McGonagall, in it. This was definitely the place to be to see some action!
Then all of a sudden, a bucket of water from above fell on me! And then another! It turns out they were filming on the roof and were wetting it by chucking buckets of water everywhere.
While drying myself off, I then heard someone shout 'Action!' and then the booming voice of Mad Eye Moody, played by Brendan Gleeson, echoed through the air.
Crabbe and Goyle
Malfoy's pal Goyle takes a break from filmingThe doors to the college opened and I could see a courtyard inside. Some kids dressed in black Hogwarts robes were walking around inside, including Malfoy's pals Crabbe and Goyle.
Then about 50 kids dressed in raincoats to cover their robes came out in rows of two - as if they were actually in school - and marched up to the Bodleian Library where they disappeared inside.
Soon word spread that Potter filming was going on and a crowd of people had gathered to have a peek.
But the action was over after that and it all went quiet until lunchtime when food was brought in for the hungry film stars.
Here are some photos of the shoot:
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
BBC reports Potter first edition for sale
The sellers of eBay describe the book as a "genuine first print, first issue hardback" and detail distinctive errors on the title page and first page.
The sale price has reached 1,200 so far, with three days of bidding to go.
Publishers Bloomsbury told BBC News Online it was impossible to verify the copy's authenticity without seeing it.
The sellers say they have kept the book unread and sealed in an airtight box since buying it in 2000 for 600.
They have decided to auction it for money to invest in their business after watching its value soar over the past four years.
The sellers' entry reads: "This was a really good investment for us."
They say the book can be proved to be a first state copy because the author's name on the reverse of the title page is printed as Joanne Rowling.
An eBay spokeswoman said potential bidders could examine scanned pages from the book (although please keep in mind, IF she's scanning it, you're going to run into spine damage at Least) on the website or e-mail the sellers for more information.
She advised buyers to study a seller's feedback according to the guidelines provided by eBay.
In January this year, an uncorrected proof copy of the first Harry Potter book - with the author's name spelled wrongly - sold for 1,250 at auction.
And sadly a signed first edition of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was sold by the author's father for 27,500 at auction in 2003.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
This from Locus Online.
The fifth and latest Harry Potter novel by J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, was released in trade paperback on August 10th and debuts this week at the very top of USA Today's list of top 150 bestsellers for the week ending August 15th. The book is also at the top of New York Times's children's paperback list, and on 4 other lists in various countries this week, though not, ironically, Amazon's list of Top 100 Bestsellers when checked today, the book already having ranked there for several weeks selling prepublication orders.
Famous names give support for plan to mark literary heritage.
Some of the Capital's best-known authors have thrown their weight behind Edinburgh's bid to become the first World City of Literature. Harry Potter author JK Rowling, Inspector Rebus creator Ian Rankin and Alexander McCall Smith, author of the best-selling No1 Ladies' Detective Agency novels, have all given the proposal their backing.
The project would see Edinburgh become the inaugural World City of Literature. The Capital would act as a model for other cities around the world to celebrate their own literature and writers. The city's bid is to be formally handed over to Unesco in October and a decision on its success or failure is expected next year. At its heart will be celebrated figures from Edinburgh's literary past, including Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. And the backing of some of the best-selling contemporary authors in the world will lend further weight to the proposal.
JK Rowling, who has lived in Edinburgh since 1994, wrote the first of the best-selling Harry Potter novels in Old Town cafes and mailed the manuscript to publishers from a postbox in Leith. She said the city had provided her with inspiration and believed its literary importance deserved to be recognised. "All the books in the series so far have been created largely in Edinburgh," she said. "I have personal reasons for finding the city creatively inspirational. But it's also impossible to live in Edinburgh without sensing its literary heritage everywhere.
It seems eminently sensible to me to recognise this, along with the contemporary literary life here, with a permanent title that can inspire and inform other places around the world."
Unesco officials have already visited the city and a dossier has been prepared outlining the city's commitments. Landing the prestigious recognition from Unesco is thought to be worth about 2.2 million a year to the Capital in extra business.
Hollywood News > London, Aug 24 : The next time you want to impress women with your intellectual hobbies like reading, make sure you don't pick up a Harry Potter or chances are that you will have the woman running in the opposite direction.
According to the Sun, a new poll by publishing giants, Penguin has revealed that women like men who read crime, thrillers and even classics would be a good option, but Harry Potter is an absolute no no, as reading fantasy gives men zero sex appeal.
Most women said that they would be attracted to men who read Nick Hornby's bestseller "How to Be Good," they also said that if men were seen reading romantic classics like "Wuthering Heights," it showed that they had a softer side which also worked in their favour. The five books that are likely to attract women are: 1. Nick Hornby, How To Be Good. 2. Ian McEwan, Atonement. 3. Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights. 4. P J Tracey, Want to Play? 5. Louis de Bernieres, Captain Correlli's Mandolin.
On a personal note, obviously those women polled haven't read or seen about one Mr. Lucius Malfoy.
Also, fear not men. There are still a large percent of women who wouldn't be caught dead reading any of those 'top five' books. That doesn't mean we're the impossible, just not total mushes.
**This news finder wondering WHERE they get these people polled. :\
A spellbinding display of Harry Potter artefacts is winging its way to a Shropshire museum in time for the Bank Holiday weekend.
Stella Mitchell's Land of Lost Content, a museum of British popular culture in Craven Arms, will add a stuffed owl and Harry Potter memorabilia to its collection.
Harry Potter collection on its way to Stella Mitchell's Land of Lost Content
Mrs Mitchell said: "The museum is not about ancient history but about modern social culture. Harry Potter fits into this theme very well.
"When children come here they often see their own toys on display which they think unusual for a museum.
"But they really enjoy it and it makes them appreciate and realise that one day even they will be part of history."
The museum is a shrine to 20th century culture and history, with exhibits ranging from World War II material to music from the swinging sixties. Mrs Mitchell said: "The museum is constantly changing and we are always updating our collection with new items such as Harry Potter.
"We also have a display on the movie Toy Story."
Meanwhile the museum will continue with its teddy bear hunt throughout the school summer holiday.
Mrs Mitchell said: "We have hidden nine teddy bears at different locations throughout the museum and the children who find them can then win a bag of sweets.
"So far the youngsters are definitely winning - they have already won 70 packets of sweeties from me."
The museum is open seven days a week from 11am to 5pm. For details call (01588) 676176.

Monday, August 23, 2004
Author J.K. Rowling said she has based a few characters in her successful childrens books on real people, and admitted that Lockhart happened to be one of them. She's been known to say this about him, "It made up for having to endure him for two solid years."
However, finally her spokesman has spoken out about all these 'reporters' making such accusations, that the character was based on her ex-husband.
Her spokesman says, "Rowling categorically said she did not base Gilderoy on her ex-husband. She said she did base him on a real person, but not her ex-husband. It's not a lover, just somebody she knew in her past."
So hopefully this will put all those rumors to rest now; and of course, this is why this site never put such reports in here.
I guess that's why they say, "Don't believe everything you hear." ;)
Sunday, August 22, 2004
We met JK Rowling on Sunday the 15th August..........and we still cant believe it!
Here's another lovely report, just sent in and written for HP4U, by 2 more fans of the great lady herself.
It was sooooo cool that we just have to show off and brag about it im afraid (sorry). Not only is JK Rowling the best Author EVER !!, but she is such a nice lady. It was so nice to get to meet her, shake her hand, say thanks for writing such brilliant stories AND have all our things signed!
We got there late, about an hour, which was really sad because we missed the book reading, but once we were inside it was awesome. JK Rowling even asked to see us last because she had been told about all the problems my Dad had had with his car (the engine blew up!) before we got to Edinburgh and said she would spend an extra 5 minutes with us at the end! - WOW, We think not that she would have even spent longer but we just didnt know what to ask her - all the questions got muddled up!
The ladies that helped get us to the book festival were really nice too, we were taken through to where JK Rowling was, given our wristbands, then we went to meet her. We said hello and she told us 'she was really glad we could make it'. I told her I was really glad to be there and her books were the best, I said I wish I could have asked her a question and so she told me to 'go on then, ask away!'.
I asked JK Rowling would Professor Lockhart get out of St Mungos, get his memory back and be in any of the next books?, she said no to all of these questions.
I also asked when Harries parents were killed by Voldermort, Wormtail turned into a rat and pretended to be dead. How then did he give Voldermort his wand and robe back once he found him and helped give him back his body ?, she told me (after tapping her nose!) 'he hid them'.
I wish I could have asked her lots of questions but these were the only ones I could think of at the time.
We also had our books signed, one of them is really special because its been signed by everyone that was in Prisoner of Azkaban like Daniel and Emma and now by JK Rowling too, I'm going to put it away forever. I also had some other really special things signed. When we left we were stopped by lots of people asking to buy our bags that we were given to put all our books in too!. We were also told that some fans and invitation holders to the event didnt get to be there as their train from Glasgow to Edinburgh broke down?
Hope you like my report.
JK Rowling is just so nice, she wrote in my book 'To Joshua, I'm so glad you were able to get here, lots of love JK Rowling', it is so special to me, I will never sell it. My Dad says that its a rare book anyway and now its irreplaceable so I am going to look after it carefully forever.
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Mugglenet has received another report. This time from someone who says they have gotten information on the upcoming Goblet of Fire movie/script. This is what was written:
I used to work with a movie review site, and still get reports from some people who think I still do work there. Nowadays I don't use them, but this one I thought I would pass onto you. It contains MAJOR SPOILERS on the upcoming GOF film. My contact got about a half hour alone with a script while doing some work connected with the film. She didn't get to read it through and through, obviously, but got to do a good look of what's in and what's not. Here's a breakdown: (BEGIN SPOILERS) What's been cut: the SPEW storyline altogether, opening scene with the Dursleys, the Hogwarts express (there are shots of it, but nothing in the train,) and the wand weighing. What's still in: Creepy opening scene with Voldemort, Wormtail and Nagini. The Dark Mark scene, the "Potter Stinks" bit, the skrewts, the horntail challenge, the merpeople challenge (should be very cool!) The final challenge, although the spider may NOT be in it. (My source didn't remember seeing it.) The Sphinx is in. So is Dobby and Winky, the Portkeys, Crouch freaking out, the Pensieve scene and Cedric's end. Things that are drastically cut: Yule Ball, Quidditch World Cup, Rita Skeeter stuff (she's in it, but not as much as the book,) Harry stressing over the egg clue, Snape scenes (he's not in it much,) Hagrid & Maxine love story (it's there, but just reduced to a few brief moments for humor,) Dumbledore's humor (again... they never get him right!) Note on the ending: they manage to get it all pretty much in, which is surprising given what's going on. END SPOILERS. I have to tell you, I was disappointed when I heard they cut this from two movies to one, but it sounds like they really pulled it off. The second challenge really acts as a mid-movie action sequence that should blow the doors off of a lot of what we've seen so far in the films. The final challenge also sounds amazing, and the ending should be really creepy. I know they say this with every movie, but this one could be really eerie (not just "dark") because of the very evil Voldemort scenes. Not sure what the young ones will think of it. This stands to do justice to the book, and be the best movie of the series! (And after Cuaron's work, that's saying something!)
Mugglenet did not either confirm or deny that this piece written was authentic or not.
Friday, August 20, 2004
This was just given to Mugglenet, a report from someone who's been on the latest GoF set.
We cannot prove that she was actually there, but as this is the scene they're currently shooting, and until now wasn't in the news; we feel it to be authentic.
She wrote this in:
I visited the set at Leavesden Studios today with my mum and dad. We saw them filming some of the scene at the MOM where Harry goes into the Pensieve and sees the trial of Crouch Jnr. and Karkaroff. After speaking to a few people it turns out all of the Dursleys and most of the Quidditch World Cup have been cut this is because it's a very long book and so consequently a long script (about 2 hours at the moment). All of the Diagon Alley set (inc. Honeydukes) has gone, possibly into storage, so didn't get to see that but the room in which the trial takes place is amazing. It isn't very big and it's round with gold medieval painted walls and a cage for Crouch Jnr. and Karkaroff in the middle. Another thing which was pretty cool to see was Dan Radcliffe hanging around off set playing his guitar!!!
Azkaban will hit the shops in Britain on Friday 19 November.
It won't be available in the US until 23 November, giving British fans an extra few days to explore the extras included on the DVD.
These will include scenes not included in the original release, plus interviews with JK Rowling.
This from CBBC Newsround
Rowlings' picture sees the inside of a museum
Well it's about time! Everyone knows the saying, 'Behind every great man...'. But do women ever get the notice anyways? Well the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Queens Street is trying to do something about that. It is now (at last) celebrating the great achievements of women. The gallery will contain 100 paintings, sculptures and photographs from the 20th and 21st centuries. It is to celebrate the success of women in fields from politics, to arts, and sports. And of course, entertainment.
'Modern Women' features portraits of notable leading ladies including Dame Muriel Spark, JK Rowling, Ena Baxter, Winnie Ewing, Jean Muir, Tilda Swinton and Yvonne Murray, and photographs of women such as TV presenter Gail Porter, designer Belinda Robertson and actresses Daniella Nardini and Una McLean.
"I do joke that it is now my mission to search for women everywhere I can, but it is true," says director of the portrait gallery, James Holloway. "Already we have acquired the portraits of a number of truly fantastic women, but for historic reasons we are still a very male-dominated gallery. "Around 80 per cent of our portraits are of men because in days gone by it was mainly men who matched our criteria of being seen as successful. But we are now doing everything we can to redress this imbalance and are calling on the public to come up with the names of women they would like to see have their portrait on display."
Alongside portraits of women such as Harry Potter creator JK Rowling and Dame Muriel Spark are lesser known Edinburgh figures such as artist Phoebe Traquair, one of the leading lights of the Arts and Crafts movement, and Elsie Inglis, a doctor and pioneer of Scottish women's hospitals overseas during the First World War.
The exhibition also includes a group of photographs from the collection of the Imperial War Museum, which depict Scottish women working on the Home Front during the First World War. The photographs show rope makers, granite and cement workers, paper millers, sugar refiners and a Glasgow Corporation tram crew, all helping the war effort. So in that respect, behind every great woman...
Hats off to the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. ;)
Forbes put together a list that included 100 women leaders in business, social causes and politics, which dominated the top ten places. Condoleezza Rice, national security adviser to U.S. President George W. Bush, topped the list of the world's most powerful women compiled by Forbes, the magazine reported on its Web site. China's Vice Premier Wu Yi, and former Beijing mayor, ranked as the second most powerful woman. Sonia Gandhi, president of India's Congress Party, came in third and the presidents of Indonesia and the Philippines, Megawati Sukarnoputri and Gloria Arroyo, were eighth and ninth on the list.
The wives of U.S. presidents, Laura Bush and Hillary Rodham Clinton, now a U.S. Senator, also figured in the top rankings as did the two women on the Supreme Court, Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Hewlett-Packard Co Chief Executive Carleton ``Carly'' Fiorina was the only businesswoman who rounded out the top in 10th place.
Forbes said the list defied the ``conventional wisdom that a woman can gain power only by studiously working behind the scenes to forge consensus,'' the magazine said on its Web site.
Other corporate women included Abigail Johnson, president of Fidelity Management & Research, and Christine Poon, worldwide chair of medicines and nutritionals at Johnson & Johnson.
Women from entertainment and the media also showed up in rankings such as Time Inc.'s chief executive, Ann S. Moore, and ABC News correspondent Barbara Walters. Talk show host Oprah Winfrey and the best-selling author of the Harry Potter books, Joanne ``J.K.'' Rowling, made the list.
Powerful women were also found among the world's royalty including the queens of the U.K., the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Jordan.
The magazine said it assessed each candidate by her title and resume, the size of the economic sphere in which she wields power and the number of global media mentions, Agence France- Presse reported.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
JK Rowling has joined the Save Our Sara campaign.
She donated a signed set of all five Harry Potter books in hardback, including a first edition of the latest book, The Order Of The Phoenix.
The rare signed set could raise thousands of pounds for Sara's fund at auction.
The Edinburgh writer said:'I am very pleased to be able to support the Daily Record's campaign for Sara.'
Rowling,39, is well known for her involvement with charity.
She is patron of the Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland, a cause that is close to her heart. Her mother Anne died, aged 45, from the disease.
Rowling has donated parts in Harry Potter films to raise money for the charity.
The author, who lives in Merchiston, said: 'Being able to campaign and fund-raise for MS is the most personally meaningful thing to have come out of being famous.' Rowling is also an ambassador for the National Council of One Parent Families and supports the Scottish Maggie's Cancer Care Charity.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Harry Loves Hermione.com has three shots of the Actual filming of Goblet of Fire. So far, this is a first, as the only photos we've seen so far are those that come before or after the filming. The owner has asked that NO sites take her photos and re-post them, so please keep with that should you own a site; as she was kind enough to allow the rest of us see these. The scene is of the group heading for the Quidditch tournament. I can't say whether it is before or after the portkey, so guess for yourselves. ;)
Go to HERE for the pics.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
It's been 11 weeks out now, and it's still seeing the headlines the world over. The latest, would be that the last installment of the Harry Potter series has reached the 500Million mark!! According to the Hollywood Reporter, it's one of only 10 movies to ever reach this mark outside of the U.S.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban has taken more than $750Million, including it's mark in the U.S. Making it #3 in Warner Brothers' top money making movies.
Here's to hoping even more success as the movie series goes along!
Monday, August 16, 2004
It's been reported all over the web, that a violent person called Leavesden to make a threatening call towards the young actors of the HP casting. However, it's just been confirmed by both Warner Brothers and (through) CBBC Newsround, that it was all a childish hoax.
They had this to say on it:
It's been reported that there's been an increase in security at Leavesden studios just outside London following a threatening phone call made on Friday.
The studio has confirmed that a hoax call was received last week, but it hasn't resulted in any increase in the already tight security there.
And there hasn't been a trebling of on site security staff.
'No further action'
A spokesperson for Warner Bros. told CBBC Newsround Online: "As with all responsible companies we take the well being of those within our employment, particularly children, very seriously.
"We have in the past received the odd hoax telephone call, but because of our strict security policies we always report these incidents no matter how seemingly trivial, to the relevant authorities. In this case as with previous hoax calls, no further action has been taken nor will be required".
Hertfordshire Police also told Newsround that they had not drafted in extra officers or police dogs to patrol the studio.
Pictures taken from the book festival she just previously attended. They also have a short wrap on her Q & A, as well as a statement that she'd made of:
she was well into writing book six. She said she was "just over halfway through it". She added it was her favourite book so far.
Go to Newsround for the full piece and pictures.
Ok folks! It's Back to Rowlings' site again with you! On the main page, go to the small black coil, next to the golden key. It always gives the symbol of a question mark when your cursor is over it. Enter there, and open the door to see what secrets lie within. It's rather a fun mystery you have to sort out to get the piece from the next book.
Here's the how to on seeing what's inside:
On to our clues part for the Secret Door at Rowlings' site. First, open the door. You won't see much, but if you look here

you will see a light switch you must toggle that's lined up with the windowsill. After you turn that on, you will need to pick up the darts. One at a time, and in this order, place the darts at 7-1-3. These will open a vault behind the dartboard. The combination to the vault is 302723. You will then see a piece of paper lying within the vault. Click it for an excerpt of her upcoming book..
BTW, thanks to two readers, Marc and Mario, for reminding me to put up a notice. The door once again has her famous 'Do Not Disturb' sign back on it.
So here's to hoping for another clue of her upcoming book!
The new information is under her NEWS page. They are the questions that were asked by fans there. Wondering what those Two questions she's referred to in the past that should have been asked were? Or where Aberforth Dumbledore has been? Or even Aunt Petunias' questionable background? Be sure to check out her site Here to catch all her answers.
Scotland Today caught up with HP author after her reading and questions at the Edinburghs' Book Festival. They asked her a few questions, one being:
What was it like (the reading), to which she replied
"It is really nice because I can actually see them as opposed to the Albert Hall. I've always had a good time here and this was the first time I did a public reading as well so it's quite a personal experience for me."
There is also video on their brief interview, which you can see by going to Scotland Today.
Friday, August 13, 2004
Accio UK is aimed at both academics and adult fans of the Harry Potter series. The Programming Committee is therefore inviting proposals from both sectors for presentations, moderated panels, debates and workshops on any topic relating to the Harry Potter phenomenon.
Registration ranges in price from 140 to 215, and there's an early bird discount if you register before Halloween!
We see them everywhere sadly. And even here for Rowlings' only book appearance this year, we find them. 400 of the 500 tickets that were available for the reading at Edinburghs' Book Festival made it into the hands of Harry Potter fans. But four tickets managed to make it to the Ebay circuit. Ebay, as in the online auction site. Luckily, Rowlings' publicity team were able to contact Ebay, and have all four tickets removed. Explaining that the tickets were never meant to be sold in this manner.
As for the man selling them? In his ad, it was written to be a "once-in-a-lifetime chance" to see the Harry Potter author at a reading. And that the show would be "an unforgetable family event".
Explaining that the tickets had been put up for sale because the event clashed with a last-minute holiday booking, the seller said that the main ticket holder had to be male, and would be required to provide address identification and proof of payment. Both of which, he would provide.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
The BBC online had this to say about a possible site for the filming of the Quidditch Cup.
Eastbourne could be the setting for the Quidditch World Cup in the next Harry Potter film.
A newspaper report says a cliff top site, near Beachy Head, is the first choice for Warner Brothers - location managers for The Goblet of Fire.
Eastbourne council denied the report, but said the company scouted the area and also three West Country locations.
A spokesman for the film company said locations were never confirmed until definite arrangements had been made.
That's right Rowling fans! This is your Last chance to win a ticket to J.K. Rowlings' appearance at the Edinburgh Book Festival. BBC Newsround is looking for one lucky person age 15 or under, to report on the event for their Newsround website. And have but One ticket left to give. To enter, you need to go to their site HERE. You must think up a good question, as Rowling will be answering a few questions there. And the lucky applicant with the best question will be chosen by the company/site. As there will be hundreds of applicants most likely, make sure to try and think up something original for your question. And good luck!
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
The two combined. What could be greater! For those of you not lucky enough to know what the Noble Collection is, mostly, the company offers replica and ornimental swords and also has been offering LOTR items this last few years as well. Now they have gotten together with WB to offer Hermiones' Time Turner from Prisoner of Azkaban. It has this to say for it:
An authentic recreation of Hermione's Time-Turner featured in the movie Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The Time-Turner is centered with a working miniature hourglass and its inner rings rotate. Plated in 24 karat gold, measures 1 3/8 inches in diameter. Comes complete with a display.
And it's price is $49.00 plus shipping.
Go HERE to if you'd like to own one for yourself.

Netscape has put out a little Harry Potter movie quiz.
Just go HERE to try it out. ;)
The paperback of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out on Tuesday with a first printing of two million and a sky-high promotional campaign. Scholastic, the US publisher, said the book will be supported by a $1m campaign that includes newspaper, radio and billboard advertisements.
Scholastic has also hired promotional planes to fly over Lake Michigan, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and other resort areas. Phoenix, the fifth of seven planned novels in JK Rowling's fantasy series, came out last summer in hardcover and sold 5m copies the first day. The five Potter books have nearly 100m copies in print just in the US. Rowling, a British author, is still working on the sixth book, but has already revealed the title: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. No publication date has been set.
Monday, August 09, 2004
Or one of its' readers that is. A reader by the name of Tracy was there at the last filming in Ashbridge, and not only got pictures and a little info, but FIVE pages of script!! They detail the first task in Goblet of Fire. The Leaky Cauldron says they have verified that these pages are indeed the real thing as well. So! If you'd like to read them and see some of her pictures, please go to The Leaky Cauldron. The link will take you directly to the page for the scripting and photos.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Set Report
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Set Report
On the 5th August, my cousin and I decided to check out the filming for the new Harry Potter film, Goblet of fire. Once at Ashridge Park it was not hard to find where they were filming as regular signs said "WBLOC" which stands for Warner Bother's Location. It was still very well hidden from the main road so we had to walk a while .We arrived on the first location set at around 12:30pm. At this point we counted ten people including ourselves. We were told we were not allowed to watch them filming that scene as they were doing a 360 degrees shot. From above where they were filming we could see thick clouds which were generated by a smoke machine which they were using. About 1:30pm they had finished and were packing up for lunch. At this, the main cast (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Mr. Weasley, and the Weasley Twins) were walking up the path. We were told that we would be able to receive autographs at this point but they all got rushed away in their cars. However when Emma's car started to drive past she waved frantically at us.
We were told by another member of staff that they would be filming after lunch just across the field from where we were. Before we left to move onto location two we went onto the set where they were packing away and managed to take some photographs.
After this we headed for location two, about 2:30 people started arriving with camera's, lights and equipment for the afternoon session. Just before 3pm the main cast started to arrive. Again when Emma got out of her car she went frantic at her fans and rushed over to us to do signings, she was then called by a member of security that she had to go, but she refused to move and carried on, until she was forced to go.
The first few takes were done with the stunt doubles that we were told are used for all back shoots of the films. The main crew sat and watched as well as doing what seemed to appear mini interviews with someone with a camera who we found out was doing a documentary on behind the scenes of the new movie.
A little while later they did their first take with the main stars. We were allowed to watch but were not allowed to take photos. In this scene, Mr. Weasley is walking what looks further into the woods, Fred and George are keeping up with him, then Hermione and Ginny run to catch up, and Harry and Ron are still lingering behind. Mr. Weasley turns around and shouts to Harry and Ron "Come on boys! Keep up!". Then you see Harry and Ron running, and they walk into a foggy wood.
To our annoyance Mr. Radcliffe who was present asked the crew to move objects in front of us to block Daniel from our view. From what the crew told us, Mr. Radcliffe often did this, to their annoyance as well as ours.
On the third take with the main stars, half way though some lightning hit near by, which a few seconds later a very loud sound of thunder came and with this they had to abandoned the shot and walk onto the field away from the woods. Daniel was rushed into his car by his dad, while the rest of the cast signed away photos and had lengthy chats with fans. To my pleasure, my cousins and the people we were with that day, Mr. Radcliffe saw us pointing to his car, and opened his window and silently waved us forward. He allowed just us to have Daniel's autograph. Shortly after that the cast left as it was clear that the storm was not going to pass in time that day.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
The press release reads:
BURBANK, CA, August 4, 2004 - Ralph Fiennes (Red Dragon, Maid in Manhattan, Schindler's List) and Miranda Richardson (The Hours, Sleepy Hollow, The Crying Game) have joined the all-star cast of Warner Bros. Pictures' Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the fourth film adaptation of J.K. Rowling's popular Harry Potter novel series. Fiennes will play Harry Potter's nemesis, the evil Lord Voldemort, and Richardson takes on the role of muckraking journalist Rita Skeeter.
He has rehearsal schedules drawn up, costume fittings, the lot - he's in.
This in from The Leaky Cauldron, thanks!
Here's a favorite photo of mine of Fiennes:
Monday, August 02, 2004
Harry Potter actor Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid) sat down recently with The Sunday Herald to discuss the lack of privacy he now has, how Pottermania has taken him by surprise and whether he'll carry on with his role as Hagrid in the final three films.
On being overwhelmed about Pottermania:
"I knew it was going to be enormous because of the number of people who bought the books, but, to be honest, I never thought it would be bigger than Bond. Never in a million years."
On participating in the next Harry Potter movies:
"I don't know. I really don't know what the circumstances will be for the last three. I don't know if I should be saying this, although if anyone has got any brains they'll have worked it out, but if Jo Rowling hasn’t finished books six and seven within the next two years, the kids we've got at the moment will be too old to play the parts. And they may not even want to. So it depends on the variables. In some ways I would rather get on with something else, but I don't want to say that because it sounds so ……. ungrateful. So, no, I don't know if I'm going to do any more," he continues. "They will, of course, to enchant me back, offer me frightening amounts of money."
Dear Mrs Rowling
Thank you for your letter of June 14, 2004, in which, on the basis of one accidental, non-serious article in the British press, you objected to the use of so called net and cage beds for mentally handicapped children in the Czech Republic, and asked for a ban on their use.The problem you touched upon is, of course, important and is an object of permanent, earnest, and expert review in our country, as well as elsewhere in the world. This is not the first time that I have come across to it and it is not a new topic in our expert circles. I can assure you that I have examined the entire issue closely in the past few weeks and have consulted with the top Czech physicians and psychiatrists. The issue of using particular restrictive means, as well as the overall regime for handicapped patients in medical institutions has been intensively discussed at the political level and in the public for a long time. It has its moral and ethical aspect, but the arguments of medical experts are equally important. It is impossible to simply shift the argument to the issue of abiding or abusing human rights. It is necessary to carefully evaluate the use of restrictive means in the treatment of individual patients. It is also necessary to find appropriate methods of preventing mentally handicapped people from injuring or mutilating themselves or others. Neither the Czech expert public, nor myself, can accept your radical and extremely simplified opinion caused by an emotive, and very tendentious article. The Czech Republic is a standard democratic country and our health care is comparable with the health service of other advanced countries. I must refute the idea that the use of the aforementioned beds is abusive, or worse, that mentally handicapped children are tyranised in our country. It would be likewise possible to criticize the placement of handicapped patients in special rooms or their sedation by increased doses of medicine. All restricting methods have their benefits and drawbacks, and the attempts at fix-all solutions would only cause new problems, new complications and further discussions.I agree with you that protection of seriously handicapped patients, especially children, has to be a priority, because they cannot defend themselves. I can assure you that I and other institutions of the Czech Republic take this duty of ours very seriously. Nevertheless, the minister of health of the Czech Republic decided to ban the usage of the beds that you criticized.Thank you for your interest in these problems and for your contribution to our domestic discussion on this topic.
Yours sincerely
Václav Klaus
Prague, July 28, 2004