Thursday, January 04, 2007

More HP Clothing
For those that like to show off their HP colors, Hot Topic has just come up with some more shirts (and one hoodie) for you.
They're really not anything special, but? If you're dying to spend some cash, here's the new line up:
Crest Hoodie
No Mudbloods
Also, the OotP and No Mudbloods are available in Plus sizes.
--Personally, I'd like to know where the Slytherin and other house shirts are? Why do the Gryffingeeks get all the attention??:/
And here's to also hoping for the continued (and more) use of just the shirt, and NO models. Is it me? Or do their models either look like they came straight off the happy train, or want to harm themselves?

**Thanks Tina for the tip! And thanks also to monkeyfish;)

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