Saturday, April 29, 2006

Lucius Malfoy's Link to Paris Hilton

Actor Jason Isaacs, who portrays Death Eater Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies, admitted in a recent interview with Empire that he has yet to read the script of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: "They started without me." Isaacs said. "Like most things in my life. I haven't even read the script yet. To be honest, I don’t know what happens in it. I know that I’m meant to end up in prison - that’s no great secret."

When Asked about whether he will make an appearance in the movie, Isaacs replied, "I hope so, I can’t bear the idea that somebody else would get to wear my Paris Hilton wig, but you never know." He then added: "The wig is on time-share with Paris Hilton and she comes round. It takes a lot longer to prise it off me at the end of the day because I fancy myself as the lead singer of Sweet. Nah, it’s not very long, they’re all terribly slick with it. I miss it. I like the wig."

Ah yes... there's nothing as refreshing as a Death Eater with a good sense of fun!

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