Friday, December 24, 2004

Toms' new entry @ Germany
Coming back from his trip to Germany, he had a few things to write on it. Unfortunately, it sounded like much that Could go wrong for him, did. Hoping for a speedy recovery on that hand/wrist of yours Tom. ;) Read below for what he had to say:

I was absolutely amazed at how many people came to Cologne - I can't believe it and I don't think the hotel did either! I'm really sorry that so many of you had to wait so long in the cold but there wasn't anything I could do to help you. I signed over 800 autographs with 650 people but unfortunatley I sprained my hand with so much signing and couldn't sign for the last 70 people who were turned away. Sorry!
Thank you to the lady and her daughter and friend who came from Frankfurt I think with a bag of presents including a very nice BMW T shirt. Thank you to everyone who gave me presents and cards - I will read them over Christmas!
Unfortunately we had several photgraphers at the airport who spoilt the whole trip and my memory of Germany. They chased me and did not give up. I have photographs of them all on file. Lufthansa cancelled my flight home by mistake and the flight was delayed 3 hours. The security people did not help me at all until the very end unlike the security people at the hotel Hyatt who were all brilliant. Birgit was really helpful the whole day at the hotel and she was absolutely brilliant!
I have finished filming for Christmas and am going to take some time out with my family and some nice big Carp!
Hope you are all ok and like the photos
Love Tom x

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