Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dan and Emma on location again?

Although we were told by one of our contacts that filming in Swinley Forest, Bracknell doesn't begin until wc: Monday 22nd, its reported, via the Daily Mail newspaper that Emma and Daniel have been seen out and about during 'breaks' in shooting Scenes from the Deathly Hallows at a local pub.
Chances are its a rumour, but for anyone local who wants to pop along to the Forest and see whatever you can (from behind barriers no-doubt if the Actors are present) then follow the signs to Swinley Forest and 'The Look Out' and you never know! If you can't get there, the excellent London Taxi Tours took a few photos of one of the sets being prepared last week.
'Privet Drive' (or the house which was used) is just a 5 minutes drive from the Forest for anyone travelling to the area if you've never been.

Just pop Picket Post Close, Martin's Heron, Bracknell in your Sat-Nav!

Whilst looking up this article on-line I also came across a funny story on my local newspapers web-site from the July '09 Swinley Forest filming (HP4U exclusive report and pictures in archives) which it seems was missed everywhere, enjoy!

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