Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Interview with Emma Watson (a.k.a. Hermione Granger)

In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Emma Watson stated that the Christmas holidays are the best time for her to do some heavy duty studying. A very Hermione Granger kind of statement!

Q. How will you spend the holidays?

Unfortunately, my exams are in January. For Christmas, I will be doing revising. Ugh. But still . . . [I will enjoy] just celebrating Christmas, having a bit of time off. Seeing friends and family.

Q. Which exams are you worried about?

My worst subject is chemistry. It's a killer--I hate it. My favorite subject is probably art, maybe English. But yeah, chemistry is the one that is a killer, and geography coursework is pretty painful at the moment as well.


Read the
Full Interview with Emma.


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