Monday, September 13, 2004

Contest time again!!
Veritaserum had created a fabulous contest called their 'Character X Contest'.
What this was, was for anyone and everyone to come up with their best creation for the description/excerpt that Rowling gave behind her 'locked door' at her site a short while back. The description was this:
He looked rather like an old lion. There were streaks of grey in his mane of tawny hair and his bushy eyebrows; he had keen yellowish eyes behind a pair of wire-rimmed spectacles and a certain rangy, loping grace even though he walked with a slight limp.

They've chosen a top ten, and now it's time to vote on which you like the best, and best fits to you. To vote, please be sure to go HERE.
Everyone there's done a marvelous job, and congrats to all. And good luck!

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