Friday, January 27, 2006

On the Script Reading
Ok, first off, I'm really sorry for assuming that everyone would know what a script reading is. Well? You know what they say about assuming. Caught up to me. Anyhow! Just a quick note on this and a few other questions that have been coming in:
A basic script reading is simply the cast getting together with the important people (the ones who're spending the money and actually take an active role in the film) and the director, and read from the scripts they're given. No, not the whole cast is there. That'd be too chaotic, but in a film like this, usually the key members that are constantly interacting in the film will be. As I said before, Luna really Isn't a key member. And please don't everyone get mad at me on that. But the fact is, lots gets skipped over, especially in the last two films; and she may get very little screen time. I, nor our team at HP4U know one way or another at this point.
Most of the time, you'll find them in a large room, and they'll go over things. This is where you can find just Some of the adjustments, things both the actors and director wish to change. It's a 'First Feel' sorta thing.

Ok, as for the casting? While I've been given possibles for certain actors and actresses, I really despise the whole rumour mill. So until my friends actually see them AT the site/set, and know for sure they're their for that part, OR WB themselves put out a press release, I am not about to put it up here.
So no, currently, we aren't aware of the part of Luna Lovegood being cast solidly yet, or Bella or others. And as for the main trio staying. Only they know, and perhaps not even. Things change. So we'll all just have to wait and see, and PRAY they all come back.
Can you just Imagine ANYone else playing Severus Snape than our lovely Alan Rickman??:D Or Lucius Malfoy for that matter.
Ok! I think I'll be going for I make a serious embarassment of myself here. I hope that answers some of the questions on the script reading. And yes, it's something that usually lasts quite a while. However, it gives those of us that get to attend the sets and visit, something to really look foward to.
Cheers all!

Ok, well, that was quick. But as of now, I can say that the reading Did definitely include adult cast. I wasn't about to ask each individual name. My friend needs to sleep, not be grilled by me.


Anonymous said...

I'm just curious if Gary Oldman would fly the whole way across the Atlantic for a few days work (I'm presuming they're not starting the shoot with Grimmauld Place).
That's extremely informative, though- I always imagined script readings as an extended board meeting, but with a tad more embarassment.

Anonymous said...

Dan can't have been there. He was at the South Bank Show Awards.

Anonymous said...

It's possible to attend work in the afternoon and a 'do in the evening, you know. People do it all the time.

Anonymous said...

Whew! Who knew a simple news posting would create so many questions? Obviously not me!
Anyhow! And btw, while this one posting only has three comments, my following comments go to all the past ones on the other posting, as well emails. PLEASE do not take offense, unless of course you notice one of the following responses are geared towards you (or your site).
First off, NO, not all members (as if they could Seriously get everyone at the same time and place Just for a reading. Reading? Are for nothing more than to get a feel of things. The interaction between one another, and see how it pans out. It is NOT a strict thing, and it certainly isn't something you're graded on or penalized for when you Can't make it. I mean, allo! They Are actors, and HP is not going to be the only thing on some of their schedules.
So! No Daniel Radcliffe was NOT there. As for who else wasn't? I'm not permitted to say, as the source of this information tells me what I can let out, and what to keep to myself.
So yes some members (plenty) weren't there. Can they still have a script reading without? Yes, they can make due, and know how to still go on with a script reading.
As for anyone who does not wish to believe the news we've to post? Well? I can whole heartidly say, I don't lose any sleep over the fact.:) We were just trying to be nice, and let other HP fans know, what was going on. Ok, so a script reading isn't all THAT exciting maybe, but what it Means is! Filming to soon commence! YEAH!! I was excited, so thought I'd share. For those who choose to believe all the exculisve set reports & news this site has to bring every year? Thanks!:) It's for those fans we're doing this. For those sites and/or fans that want to try calling us out, ignoring us, or just not bothering to mention where the set reports & news is coming from? I must say again, I'm not losing any sleep.:D
So! For those of our readers, enjoy the news, feel free to ask questions if you like, and if and when I can, I shall answer them. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updated information, Ty!

Can we assume that perhaps some of the main cast have already met with the producers and/or the director to look through the script? Aside from that, do we have any idea when filming *offically* begins?

Thanks in advance for what you can answer!

Anonymous said...

Hi there! As for the main cast meeting with the director, I can't say one way or another. Sorry. But if I did, I'd just be lying. ;)
However, if Newell wasn't at any of the filming for GoF, there really would be no reason for any of the cast just meeting him before they need to. Fore they start getting pieces into place for the fifth. They deserve their rest, and I've never heard of an actor demanded to meet with the 'latest' director before hand.
As for an actual filming date for when to begin this next project? Nope! I'm Leavesden has an 'estimated', but ha! If you've ever tried to keep with Leavesdens' schedule, it is not easy. Everything (sets AND dates) are constantly changed a day or two before! So who knows if even They have a date specifically set. And if they did, I'd be near willing to bet my '69 Mustang that it DIDN'T happen on that date.
Sorry I've not been much of help on that. However, I promise as soon as there's something I'm allowed to slap up here about when, I will.
Thanks for writing

Anonymous said...

Devon Murray has just said he's starting filming on February 6th so filming will probably begin on that date or before.

Anonymous said...

That is REALLY cool info. I'd love to put it up, but where'd you hear it?